Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship - Lawyer Mersin - 0537 787 21 55
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Birth
Turkish citizenship acquired by birth is automatically acquired on the basis of lineage or place of birth. Citizenship acquired by birth takes effect from the moment of birth.
Citizenship Acquired on the Basis of Lineage:
Citizenship acquired by lineage means the acquisition of citizenship of the Turkish citizen mother or father to whom the child is related by lineage at the time of birth.
In the acquisition of Turkish citizenship by lineage; It is sufficient for only one of the parents to be a Turkish citizen at the time of birth, and the fact that the other is a foreign citizen does not prevent the acquisition of Turkish citizenship.
Notifications Made Abroad Regarding Birth After Turning Eighteen:
Registration in the family register of persons who live abroad and who have not been notified of their birth despite completing the age of eighteen, is possible if it is determined as a result of the examination to be carried out by the Ministry that they have acquired Turkish citizenship due to a Turkish citizen mother or father.
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