E-warning Transactions at Notaries
E-warning Transactions at Notaries
The Regulation on Conducting Notary Public Transactions in Electronic Environment came into force on 01.03.2016, and now our lawyers can get a password at our notary publics and then use the e - appointment / e - warning menu at https://e-hizmet.tnb.org.tr/basvuru/ without going to the notary public, they can issue a warning letter from their home with their e-signature and send them.
Upon the acceptance of the e-warning requests sent through the TNB Portal, the relevant notary public returns via e-mail and reports the fees and expenses to be paid. After the notified fees and expenses are deposited to the bank account shown in the same e-mail, the notice prepared by the notary public is sent to our application screen for e-signing.
After signing our e-signature with our e-signature on the TNB Portal application screen, the relevant notary public scans and sends the final version of the notice prepared to be sent to the addressee via e-mail and notary public receipt.
Although the service started on 01.03.2016, many of our notaries and lawyers are unaware of these transactions. Most notary offices provide false information to lawyers who request a password for TNB Portal login, such as that there is no such password. Considering the pandemic we are experiencing, our notaries should take responsibility for their own health as well as for the health of lawyers, they should prepare themselves for e-warning proceedings and encourage lawyers for these procedures
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